Tuesday, February 12, 2008

10 Ways To Annoy Your Roommate

  1. Repeat thoughtfully the last word of everything your roommate says (e.g. Your roommate: "How are you doing today?" You: "Today.... Today......")
  2. Continuously refer to your roommate using terms of endearment (sweetcheeks, honeybuns). Slap him/her in the face if s/he ever does the same.
  3. Kill several people. Store the corpses underneath your roommate's bed. Call the police.
  4. Become Forrest Gump.
  5. Incessantly rant about the government's attempts to control our minds by poisoning us with Dihydrous Monoxide. If your roommate tries to explain that Dihydrous Monoxide = H2O = Water, exclaim "HA!! THAT'S WHAT THEY /WANT/ YOU TO THINK!!!!"
  6. Intensely study the complete list of ways to annoy your roommate. Form a discussion group with your roommate. Give tests.
  7. Start a food drive around campus to feed your roommate. Comment often on how fat s/he's getting.
  8. Read nothing but "Human Calculator" books. Consistently make mistake's on simple math (e.g. "2 + 2 = ..3? No, 5! No.......")
  9. Switch the sheets on your beds while s/he is at class.
  10. Twitch a lot.

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