Saturday, February 9, 2008

Body shapes - Men's Health - Body maintenance

There are many different body types around, and regrettably many are 'round'. But underneath all the padding and designer wear we can put each body into one of three categories.

The three main types:

  1. ectomorphs - thin and wispy

  2. mesomorphs - athletic and muscular

  3. endomorphs - generously rounded or 'stout'

Your basic body type is greatly outside of your control - more to do with DNA, and your childhood lifestyle than anything else. So if you are over 18 and reading this, you are what you are, although you can fine tune what you already have.

Changing your body type

If you're looking to change the shape of your body the basic groundwork is the same.

  • eat fresh, low fat and healthy food
  • avoid large amounts of toxins such as alcohol and caffeine
  • take regular exercise which should include elements of stamina (puffing), strength (grunting) and suppleness (bending)

If you have reached this state of physical nemesis you may wish to be more specific in adapting your training in order to develop characteristics of the body type which you favour.

Try adapting your training along the following lines:

If you want to be ectomorphic (long and thin):

  • Do more aerobic exercise, running and biking and ensure you work at a steady state (70 per cent max heart rate). Avoid explosive activity.

  • Use exercises that allow full range of movement - swimming, isokenetics or yoga and take more time to fully stretch each muscle.

  • Concentrate on eating complex carbohydrates such as pasta and potatoes and drink plenty of tepid water.

If you want to be mesomorphic (athletic and muscular):

  • Work on short bursts of explosive, dynamic and intense aerobic activity near to maximum effort - short sprints, jumping and punching.

  • Do more weight-bearing exercise - pump iron. Use heavy weights, up to 90 per cent of your maximum capability and complete at least three sets of each exercise with no more than seven repetitions per set. Ideally isolate one muscle group at a time and work it until exhausted.

  • You must have plenty of rest between each workout to allow the muscle to grow.

If you want to be endomorphic (rounded and stout):

  • Buy a video, some beer, order a takeaway, sit back and enjoy.

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