Monday, February 11, 2008


WHY MOVIES STARS, CELEBRITIES AND ORDINARY WOMEN POSE NAKED? Brigitte Bardot: "Animals walk around naked and they have more loyalty than men. I have never been betrayed by my pets. But I have been cheated so many times by men and women who were fully clothed..."Josephine Baker: " I will strip by the name of God, if I have to feed those orphans...". WHY SOME WOMEN STRIP IN PUBLIC AND WHY STARS POSE NAKED? For one million reasons. And it has nothing to do with money, as many ingenious minds and rednecks believe or imagine. Kate Moss does not need to pose naked to make money. She appeared in full armored clothes on major glossy magazines covers. And she earns zillions, just by holding a product or looking at the camera. She does it because it is part of the fabric of the business. Almost 88% of stars and celebrities, including university professors, anchorwomen, women-wrestlers, top executives and moms posed in the nude at one time in their lives and careers for pragmatic, incomprehensible reasons, fantasy, celebrity quest, notoriety exposure...

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